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From YouTube: Operating Tekton Efficiently and Securely for multi-team use cases - Wendy Dembowski, Google


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Operating Tekton Efficiently and Securely for multi-team use cases - Wendy Dembowski, Google

Do you operate a Tekton Pipelines installation? Do you need to support multiple different teams using Tekton for CI/CD? In this talk I’ll discuss strategies for operating Tekton with workload isolation and user latency in mind. We’ll go into detail on strategies to avoid startup latency for Tekton PipelineRuns and TaskRuns while minimizing the number of nodes in your cluster to increase resource efficiency. We’ll also explore using the kubernetes autoscaler, caching strategies when the Docker sidecar prevents a Tekton Task from taking advantage of the Kubernetes node cache, and other cluster operation optimizations to support multi-team Tekton installation.