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From YouTube: Conditional Constructs to the Rescue - Priti Desai, IBM & Jerop Kipruto, Google


Conditional Constructs to the Rescue - Priti Desai, IBM & Jerop Kipruto, Google

What do you do when your CI/CD use case is a bit more complicated than a simple build, test, deploy? What about when you want to build from a GitHub repo but only for a specific branch, deploy only if an image exists in the registry, or cleanup even when things fail?

Being able to express your CI/CD pipelines as a directed acyclic graph (DAG) is powerful, but when you want to add conditions into your pipeline or take action even when things fail, it gets more complicated. In Tekton, execution order has historically been controlled by expressing dependencies between tasks in a pipeline, or by explicitly specifying the order.

In this session, we’ll take a look at how to express conditional behavior across several major CI/CD tools, and take a deep dive into how to use conditional constructs with Tekton:

Efficiently guard execution of a task with When Expressions
Reimagine the DAG with Finally