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From YouTube: Securing your Tekton Pipeline - Vincent Demeester & Ivan Font, Red Hat


Securing your Tekton Pipeline - Vincent Demeester & Ivan Font, Red Hat

Tekton is a cloud native CI/CD solution. There are many CI/CD solutions exist today and TektonCD intend is not to replace them but it's designed to offer a standard building block for such CD services on Kubernetes. It gives you granular control over your entire CI/CD pipeline. By using Kubernetes native CRDs one can define individually composable tasks that can be glued together to create and execute any modular CI/CD pipeline. But what are ways in which we can incorporate security throughout your CI/CD pipeline? Here we introduce tools built on Open Policy Agent to help you secure your CI/CD pipelines. In this talk we’ll provide an overview of Open Policy Agent along with projects like Gatekeeper (delivered as part of OpenShift) and Conftest, and demonstrate ways to incorporate them into any stage of your pipeline.

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