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From YouTube: Destroying Non-Production - Saving 44% on Cloud - Shlomo Bielak, Benchmark Corp.


Destroying Non-Production - Saving 44% on Cloud - Shlomo Bielak, Benchmark Corp.
Speakers: Shlomo Bielak
The only reason non-production persists is due to ineffective SDLC/CICD processes. 44% of resources in a cloud are non-production systems. 76% of those workloads are idle because of release cadences and our fear of recreation. We have developed true Cloud Native CI/CD pipelines that make the SDLC so efficient that we add a new state to non-production, destruction. Collect your telemetry and metrics, shift security together, promote your code, & destroy those resources. Saving money and capacity for others (cloud & on-prem). We will demonstrate this using our advanced pipelines that delivers environments and applications together some marked for destruction. We call it On-Demand-Non-Production!

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