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From YouTube: Continuously Delivered Documentation - Matthew Casperson, Octopus Deploy


Continuously Delivered Documentation - Matthew Casperson, Octopus Deploy

To give our customers the easiest onboarding solution possible, we recently created a selection of 80 guides that documented the integration between 5 or so common technologies required to complete a deployment. This was great for customers, who could read documentation highly targeted to their own technology stack, but presented us with many problems. How could we know that our guides were accurate? How could we keep screenshots up to date? And how could we do all this without a huge team dedicated to continually manually reviewing each guide? By bringing common DevOps practices like automated tests, infrastructure as code, and continuous deployments, we have maintained 80 guides, hours of screencasts, and thousands of screenshots with a team of 2. Our process was documented at, and the proposed session will discuss this journey.

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