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From YouTube: Keynote Panel: Why GitOps? - Tracy Ragan, Dan Garfield, Cornelia Davis, Moderated by Dan Lorenc


Keynote Panel: Why GitOps? - Tracy Ragan, DeployHub; Dan Garfield, Codefresh; Cornelia Davis, Weaveworks; Moderated by Dan Lorenc, Google

GitOps, Infrastructure as Code, and the DevOps pipeline, how do they fit together and how are they different? Join this amazing panel of industry leaders including Cornelia Davis, Weaveworks, Tracy Ragan, DeployHub, and Dan Garfield of Codefresh, moderated by Dan Lorenc of Google and the CDF TOC chair. Hear how they define GitOps and where it fits into CI/CD. They will explore the beginnings of GitOps and discuss how it will mature as more companies begin their journey into operations by pull request. Learn if GitOps will work for your organization and understand the challenges before you make the move.

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