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From YouTube: Behind the Scenes of Keptn: Event-Driven Delivery & Ops Orchestration - Andreas Grabner, Dynatrace


Behind the Scenes of Keptn: Event-Driven Delivery & Ops Orchestration - Andreas Grabner, Dynatrace
Speakers: Andreas Grabner
Keptn orchestrates delivery & operational workflows by automatically your DevOps tools (deploy, testing, observability, notifications, configuration management, remediation ...) through events based on CloudEvents. Keptn workflows are declarative, the supporting configuration files are version controlled, and Keptn decides on whether or not to move a workflow further by continuously validating your Service Level Objectives (SLOs). In this session Andreas Grabner, DevRel at Keptn, will do a deep dive on the latest version of Keptn. He will explain the event-driven architecture, the recent separation of control and execution plane introduced with Keptn 0.8, and will give you guidance on how to best get started for integrating Keptn into your existing delivery tools and processes to automate tasks around quality gates, performance & chaos engineering, delivery or auto-remediation.

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