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From YouTube: CDEvents in Tekton: The path to a more interoperable CI/CD system - Vibhav Bobade, Lifesaver, Inc.


CDEvents in Tekton: The path to a more interoperable CI/CD system - Vibhav Bobade, Lifesaver, Inc.

The CloudEvents format was introduced to standardise event formats in the cloud ecosystem. This has allowed different event brokers to consider a single format for communication.

The need for better interoperability between CI/CD systems is gaining importance, as companies continue to have multiple CI/CD systems in their environment.

To facilitate interoperability between them in an event-driven fashion, the CDEvents community was born which would use CloudEvents as the base format for the CDEvents format as a standard for communication between different CI/CD systems.

One such system is Tekton which uses k8s style resources to create CI/CD pipelines. Tekton already supports CloudEvents and there is ongoing work to support CDEvents. In this talk, the speaker will go over the CloudEvents controller for Tekton, work being done to standardise the CDEvents format for Tekton along with a demo for the same.

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