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From YouTube: Keynote: Spinnaker - The Future of Your Enterprise CD? Three Reasons Why - Gopal Dommety, CEO, OpsMx


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Keynote: Spinnaker - The Future of Your Enterprise CD? Three Reasons Why - Gopal Dommety, CEO, OpsMx

Continuous Delivery is a uniquely exciting space to be working in today, sitting at the intersection of so many trends and innovation. While Spinnaker has proved to be the robust CD platform that enterprises need, what will be Spinnaker’s role going forward in a world increasingly dominated by containers, Kubernetes, and multi-cloud deployments?

In this presentation Gopal will share his perspective on the future of Spinnaker based on his work with some of the world’s largest Spinnaker deployments. He will highlight the important efforts now underway to make Spinnaker easier to adopt at scale, improve the developer experience with smart GitOps, and add control to emerging new tools like Argo CD. Together, these initiatives promise to keep Spinnaker at the center of your future CD strategy.