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From YouTube: Spinnaker as a Platform: Driving Cloud Adoption in Healthcare - Joel Vasallo, TAG - The Aspen Group


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Spinnaker as a Platform: Driving Cloud Adoption in Healthcare - Joel Vasallo, TAG - The Aspen Group

Adopting the cloud is at the forefront of many companies goals in the coming years. To truly recognize the power of the cloud most companies need to undergo a digital transformation; avoiding forklifting monoliths and adopting DevOps practices. While exciting, this also poses many risks, challenges, and key decisions; such as tooling, rearchitecting, and ultimately modernization of applications. We all want to leverage containers and Kubernetes but there should be a paved road to get there. The goal of platform engineering teams should be to build paved roads to drive adoption and empower engineers to build, deploy, and own their applications.

In this talk, we will share some strategies from TAG (The Aspen Group) on how we did this using Spinnaker including:

Basic overview of the technical challenges we encountered when we started our cloud journey
Brief overview of Spinnaker and why we chose it at TAG
How Spinnaker was used to drive adoption of the cloud and ultimately transformation to Kubernetes as the core
Considerations and solutions to meet and address compliance requirements using Spinnaker
Next phase of where the platform is going using Spinnaker as an engine