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From YouTube: SONiC DASH Workgroup Community Meeting July 26 2023


PR404 Adds dash underlay routing functionality (PR #402)
This PR provides extra P4 code for underlay routing.
Underlay.p4 is the file where the underlay routing is defined (set_nhop) to the port

For hairpin, if there is a route we will provide next_hop_id as NULL, it will hairpin (favor port from which traffic came)
Connect this to GitHub Issue405
Sanjay: if ECMP route (with 2 next_hops), could be a platform implementation
Once we have ECMP route, can take a hash. OR we do a hairpin (choose port it comes from).
Make a special 'type' such as a hairpin type?
If ECMP not enabled, then...routes with specific ports would have no ECMP
next_hop_id as NULL in a platform is typically blackholed, not hairpin…unless DPU strategy is to hairpin

Chris: Need to have predictable behavior for testing.
If we create this now, and need additional in the future, the API will need to be defined/asserted at that point
SAI API remains the same, DPU behavior is to hairpin (how this happens is up to the supplier)
Need routes w/proper next hops, and hairpin behavior with ECMP routes (explicit or not)
Next steps: modify PR to reflect

PR395 - Yuri reviewing

Issue406 NVGRE parsing