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From YouTube: SONiC DASH Workgroup Community Meeting Sept 20 2023


Mandatory vs Optional discussion
• Discussed the Issue around verification of mandatory attributes on 'create'.
• Media class not being mandatory and the ACL for ternary being one of the cases.
• Removal of an assert check from libsai for bmv2 due to the fact that BMV two was not honoring the optional attributes. It was decided to comment out the safety check in the website.
• Mandatory flag for creating attributes in a table; how keys are mandatory for exact match types, but not for ternary match keys.
• Orchestration Agent provides default values for all fields, and how lists may be optional attributes.
• Difference between optional and mandatory attributes, with Marian noting that by default keys are mandatory, but there may be exceptions for lists.
• Discussed logic of making all keys mandatory in a ternary key structure. Kumaresh suggested that the ternary key should be kept optional. Vincent mentioned that the tag and tag mask are the only ternary aspects, and the rest are just lists.
• Logic of making all keys mandatory for a specific task; the team concluded that it would simplify the logic and agreed that it was the best option.

Note that OCP is coming in October and that there was a presentation from Alibaba that was interesting to listen to.