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From YouTube: Modernize Regulatory Reporting: Get Ready for T+1 Settlement


Modernize Regulatory Reporting: Get Ready for T+1 Settlement - Antoine Amend, Databricks; Stephen Goldbaum, Morgan Stanley; Ephrim Stanley, Goldman Sachs and Moderated by Ashley Trainer, Databricks

Speakers: Ephrim Stanley, Ashley Trainor, Antoine Amend, Stephen Goldbaum
Financial regulators and capital market participants have laid out a path to shorten the standard settlement cycle to the trade date plus one business day (T+1) by September 3, 2024. The transition to T+1 means that shortening the settlement cycle can mitigate risk, increase overall efficiency, and allow for better uses of capital. Panelists will cover the advantage of having a unified, open-source technology platform (like Morphir, Legend) and application interoperability to help manage this significant transition. In this talk, the speakers will:
Demonstrate the benefits of the Lakehouse in the ingestion, processing, validation, and transmission of regulatory data.
Address the need for organizations to ensure consistency, integrity and timeliness of regulatory pipelines.
Show how capital market firms could bring full transparency and confidence to the regulatory data, reducing operation costs and adapting to new standards like T+1. Given the timeline of implementation, 2022 has been labeled the year of impact analysis and securing budgets and management buy-in.