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From YouTube: Best Practices on How to Process and Analyze Audit Logs with Delta Lake and Structured Streaming


Cloud computing has fundamentally changed how companies operate - users are no longer subject to the restrictions of on-prem hardware deployments such as physical limits of resources and onerous environment upgrade processes. With the convenience and flexibility comes challenges on how to properly monitor how your users utilize these conveniently available resources. Failure to do so could result in problematic and costly anti-patterns.

In this tech conversation, Denny Lee will interview Craig Ng and Miklos Christine to discuss the best practices on how to process and analyze Databricks audit logs using Delta Lake and Structured Streaming. We will discuss and demonstrate how administrators can utilize audit logs to track resource usage and identify these potentially costly anti-patterns.

Agenda: 10AM PDT - 11AM PDT (GMT-8)

10:00AM - 10:50AM - Tech Talk
10:50AM - 11:00AM - Q&A

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