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From YouTube: Last Week in a Byte (2023-03-14) - Pi day!


Learn about the latest #deltalake news a week late! This quick byte includes:
- Our #deltalake contributor of the month is Gerhard Breukl!

- delta-rs 0.7.0 was released, which includes various enhancements, fixed bugs, and merged PRs. Check out New features in the Python deltalake 0.7.0 release of delta-rs for more information on the #python release cc #rustlang

- Brayan Jules Jacques published HIO: a library that provides elegant functions to manage HDFS filesystem and cloud object stores

- D3L2: Massive Data Processing in Adobe Experience Platform Using Delta Lake with Yeshwanth Vijayakumar, Senior Engineering Manager and Architect at Adobe discuss how the #data #lakehouse architecture at Adobe Experience Platform combines with the #realtime Customer Profile architecture to increase their #apachespark batch workload throughputs and reduce costs while maintaining functionality - with #deltalake.

- D3L2: The Journey Unifying Data Lake and Data Warehouse with Robert Kossendey at Claimsforce on their journey to unifying #datalakes and #datawarehouses cc Robert Kossendey, claimsforce
We recently had the fun London meetup Building reliable lakehouses with Delta Lake Primer and AMA with Simon Whiteley and Denny Lee

- Vítor Teixeira published Delta Lake — Automatic Schema Evolution and contributed PR 1645.

- Vítor Teixeira published Delta Lake: Keeping It Fast and Clean on how to improve your Delta tables’ performance.

- Brayan Jules Jacques published Jodie - Append Without Duplication which discusses Jodie (an open-source library to perform common #deltalake operations using #apachespark and #scala) focusing on deduplication functions.

- Bryan Cafferky published Understanding Delta File Logs - The Heart of #DeltaLake.

- TR Raveendra published a seven-part #DeltaLake tutorial series!

- Explore the full range of the merge command with Delta Lake Merge

- Want to know more on how to contribute to delta-spark? Check out Getting started contributing to Delta Lake Spark.

- Register for PyData Seattle 2023