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From YouTube: .NET Virtual User Group - Blazor + Xamarin Code Sharing


In collaboration with - Seattle Mobile .NET User Group (

Blazor is the new Single Page Application(SPA) framework from Microsoft. It's super versatile in that it can run server side or client side in the web browser, meaning C# is truly a full stack language. While Blazor is exciting enough in its own right, it gets even cooler when you look at the opportunities for code sharing. Using .Net Standard libraries, your C# classes can be shared between Xamarin Apps, Web Client, Web Server, Azure Functions, and anywhere else that runs .Net.

In this session Lachlan will be focusing on an approach to allow Models, ViewModels and Services to be shared across a Xamarin Forms App(for Android, iOS, UWP, etc.) and Blazor Web Assembly, with just a thin layer on top for user interface and platform specifics in each UI Framework.