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From YouTube: JaxDUG - Custom project templates for dotnet new and Visual Studio - Sayed Hashimi


Creating project templates is a great way to make it easy for users to get started from a common starting point. In the past it was difficult to create, and maintain, project templates for .NET. Now it's very easy to get started with your own custom project templates. You can create a project template that can be used in the command line with dotnet new, Visual Studio 2019 and Visual Studio for Mac. Come to this talk to see how easy it is to create your very own project templates. We will cover creating single project templates as well as solution templates that contain several projects.

Sayed Ibrahim Hashimi is a Senior Program Manager at Microsoft. He's working tooling for ASP.NET Core, and ASP.NET, applications in Visual Studio. Prior to joining Microsoft, he was a Microsoft Visual C# MVP. Sayed has written four books on MSBuild.