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From YouTube: Elsa Workflows Community Meeting 29



- Question from the community: Status of the company yet to be founded? Trying to establish a legal company within the next month to offer paid consultancy service and support

- Plans on establishing an App Store for Elsa for free and paid activities and workflows

- Release of Elsa 2.11, bugfixes (espescially Kafka), perfomance improvements, upgrades to new packages, small features

- Chat GPT helped fixing a problem in the Elsa V3 source code 😆

- Explained the usage of events in Elsa V3 with inputs/outputs/variables and calling the event via Postman

- Debugging an error about inputs and outputs on Events

- Noticed problems with events and multiple HTTP Responses

- Explanation of workflow correlation and usage in events

- Fixes in scoped variables within sub-workflows

- Preview integration of Elsa V3 designer in other UIs