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From YouTube: Peep an EIP #17: Potential directions for new EIPs with Nick Johnson


Topics covered:
0.44 - Introduction

2:25 - EVM shortcomings
3:20 - Broad overview - the structure of the EVM
5:05 - Metrics to measure EVM
5:45 - EVM critics - What problems do we have if EVM reads only 256-byte words? Is there a way to do anything about that?
9:05 - Is there a way on working around the intermediate languages?
10:10 - Complaints about EVM jump - What the static analysis is? How is the EVM jumps make that hard?
14:10 - In other VMs in general, how do they get around to?
15:08 - Does the resulting inefficiency translates itself in some form of the Gas cot?
17:10 - What the Merkle-Patricia trie is? Is the trie storage an inefficiency?
21:54 - EVM makes some interesting choices, what's goes on the stack, what's in memory. Could you talk about it?
27:05 - How does stack allow us to be more versatile?
31:05- What is the biggest thing holding back the growth, scalability of Ethereum? Where do you see a solution?
32:58 - Would you say the current wat at the EVM is comparable to a single-threaded process, then the sharding would be multi-threaded?
33:46 - Why would people want to be on the most used shard?
34:50 - Asynchronous communication process - Would you say, a fantastic solution would be a framework where the asynchronous process will be the basis of the functionality? The benefit of being synchronous on the same shard would be outweighed by the benefit of the multiple shards?
36:04 - Opinion on the way EVM compiles the bytecode?
38:00 - Is that an inherent weakness in the way the logs are set up?

EIP Process
42:03 - History of the EIP process. How do you see the current EIP process wrt earlier EIP process?
45:35 - Thoughts on Informational EIPs?
48:22 - Thoughts on ERCs in EIP repo?
49:47 - How can you do a hard thing to separate specification from politics, any thoughts on this?

Follow at Twitter:
Nick Johnson @nicksdjohnson | Pooja Ranjan @poojaranjan19 | William Schwab @William94029369 | Brent Allsop @Brent_Allsop | James Hancock @JHancock | Alita Moore @AlitaMoore85

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