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From YouTube: Notable security incidents since Devcon V | Devcon Bogotá


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October 2019 seems like an eternity ago, and there have been a variety of interesting, sometimes novel, and sometimes repetitive security incidents across the ecosystem since then. We will discuss those incidents, what went wrong, how they've been resolved, and what lessons have been learned, or new mechanisms put in place, in the service of preventing a repeat.

Speaker(s): Lane Rettig, Ryan Lackey, Tom Howard, Arun Devabhaktuni
Track: Security
Keywords: security,lessons learned,countermeasures

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Devcon is the Ethereum conference for developers, researchers, thinkers, and makers.
Devcon 6 was held in Bogotá, Colombia on Oct 11 - 14, 2022.
Devcon is organized and presented by the Ethereum Foundation, with the support of our sponsors. To find out more, please visit