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From YouTube: EOS Independence Day - #EOS Fireside Chat Sep 21st


This week the Fireside community celebrates EOS Independence day, the successful upgrade to Leap 3.1, EOS Go / No-Go meeting, EVM Ideathon, Immutable Realms, EOS Poker and much more!

00:00:00 Welcome to Fireside and this weeks topics by Stephane
00:04:00 Go / No-Go and EOS Independence day by Daniel, Matthew
00:32:48 The Block - EOS Antelope protocol upgrade article by Stephane, Zack
00:35:58 Developer hub update by Nathan, Martin, Zack
00:54:47 EVM X Ideathon and Hackathon by Chris
01:05:40 Immutable Realms update by Lars
01:09:40 EOS poker tournament update by Stephane
01:12:27 Greymass update by Aaron Cox
01:14:04 Poker and Crypto by Stephane
01:17:26 Eden on EOS by Chris, Brandon, Martin, Daniel
01:34:47 Pomelo analysis report by Daniel,
01:38:11 Pop token and Pop-bot chat by Martin, Duane
01:46:11 Poker event donations by Chevs
01:48:34 Congrats to EOS on a successful Independence upgrade by Drew
01:54:15 Go EOS!
01:56:14 End

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