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From YouTube: #ENF Q3 Report, Yves Korea, Defibox DIP47, #Chintai, EOS Support, Helios Q3 - #EOS Fireside Oct 26th


This week the Fireside community discusses all the updates and progress on ENF Q3 report, ENF global conferences, ENF new hires, Defibox DIP47 protocol, EOS support, Helios Q3 report and much more!

00:00:00 Welcome to Fireside Chat by Stephane
00:05:54 ENF Q3 report review by Stephane
00:10:29 Yves and South Korea by Stephane, Zack
00:16:10 ENF global conference tour update by Zack
00:19:15 ENF growth and new hires by Zack
00:24:07 Eden Chief Delegate and Yves call by Chris, Aaron
00:29:02 Eden unclaimed tokens and outstanding budgets by Chris Aaron
00:44:54 Defibox DIP47 protocol and Yield+ by Stephane, Denis
00:53:10 Recover+ article and hacks by Stepane, Denis
01:00:32 OdyssEOS NFT by MrBlat
01:05:38 Pomelo S4 NFT update by Stephane
01:06:20 EOS Support update by Bishop
01:19:32 Helios Q3 report and EVM X Ideathon update by Chris
01:28:23 Chintai awarded a recognised market operator license by Stephane
01:30:20 EVM X Ideathon submission by Jackbytes
01:37:47 EOS bees subsidized swarms update by Jesse, Patrick, Jackbytes
01:51:10 Go EOS!
01:51:31 End

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