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From YouTube: #Yield+ Full, #Antelope v3.2, #EVM Roadmap, #Pomelo, new #Eden Delegates - #EOS Fireside Oct 12th


This week the Fireside community talks about updates with Eden elections, Token 2049 recap, securing new investments, Yield+, EVM X Ideathon, Pomelo S4 and more!

00:00:00 Welcome to Fireside and this weeks topics by Stephane
00:06:03 Eden elections by Chris, Waxa, Brandon, Duane, Andrew
00:25:30 Token 2049 conference recap by Zack, Yves
00:50:00 EOS node history and provable state domains by John, Yves
00:57:39 Securing new investments from VCs by Yves, Zack
01:14:00 USDT EOS by Yves, Zack, Denis
01:23:24 Yield+ and TVL reports by Stephane, Denis, Zack
01:39:30 EVM X Ideathon and Hackathon update by Waxa
01:43:30 Leap 3.2.0 RC1 by Areg
01:46:21 New Trust EVM roadmap by Stephane
01:47:21 Pomelo S3 survey and S4 NFT sale by Stephane, Denis
01:52:35 Greymass update by Aaron, Denis
02:02:58 Helios twitter space and Eden Fractal by Dan
02:09:00 Go EOS!
02:09:39 End

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