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From YouTube: EOS Node Operator Roundtable Meeting #41 (Nov 23rd) 2022


This week the EOS Node Operator Roundtable updates the community on Software Development, P2P Improvements, and discusses State Database Trimming, focusing on RAM overuse and how best to solve this problem.

00:00:00 Start
00:00:03 Recap and this week's topics
00:01:43 Software Development update
00:06:23 Defining a process for topics
00:11:02 State Database Trimming technical discussion
00:44:08 P2P Improvements
00:53:33 End


🟢 Leap Software Status

Recent release:
Leap 3.2 Final Release
Antelope software/documentation updates on the way:
Document on how crypto extensions inside CDT to utilize
crypto primitive host functions
System contract updates
Release of DUNE in the next month

Technical roundtable for EOS Node Operators
This week, we hosted a technical discussion on state database
trimming, proposed by Michael from EOSUSA.
Reframed - The problem: we use too much RAM for storing
state history, and it keeps getting bigger and harder to manage.

Question posed:
What are the trade-offs we're willing to make in
performance vs RAM size?

Answer: willing to trade-off 1 block production cycle for
loading data into RAM (like a warming block)?
this comes with risk of abuse

Short term opportunities
An RFP is being drafted by the Antelope coalition to research this
Make Heap mode startup and shutdown faster
Is there an opportunity to make the tmpfs more out of the box?
Leaving account queries disabled can save on RAM (opportunity for
node operator configuration, already possible)
Store account queries to disk (maybe 4GB for roughly 14M accounts
on WAX of ram in savings here, probably not worth it)

Long term opportunities
Can smart contracts be incentivized to specify RAM vs Disk storage?
Hardware vendors need to start offering very fast CPU cores with
high amounts of RAM

Next week
For next week, Matthew from EOS Nation has proposed a discussion
on what statistics should be added to the prometheus exporter in
Leap 4.0.
nodeEOS is a black box, we have no idea what's happening,
let's provide some statistics
Bring your list of what you'd like to have in prometheus to the
next call

Participants (14)
Max_Cho :: KOREOS Owner-South Korea
Randall Roland
Matt Witherspoon
Kevin Heifner
Brian Hazzard
Stephen Diesel
Daniel Keyes | EOS Nation
Corvin Meyer auf der Heide
Jannis - Rakeden (Jannis)
Matthew Darwin
Patrick - Aloha EOS (Patrick Burns)
Ross (EOSphere)
Corvin Meyer auf der Heide - cmadh | (Corvin Meyer auf der
Dario |

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