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From YouTube: Building Consensus – #EndRant


Yves La Rose talks about the process of reaching consensus while emphasizing the need to meet people where they are at, and engage with empathy, in order to "walk the same path" together.

/rant is meant to be a straightforward way for Yves to share his thoughts on the issues of the day, and respond to questions and ideas raised by EOS community members themselves. Where one rant ends, another begins, and the discussion continues.

Let us know what you think in the comments below, and join the conversation on Discord. Perhaps your questions or comments will inspire the next rant!

Everything EOS is the official media channel of the EOS Network Foundation (ENF). The EOS Network Foundation coordinates financial and non-financial support to encourage the growth and development of the EOS Network. We’re harnessing the power of decentralization to chart a coordinated future for the EOS Network as a force for positive global change.

// EOS Network Foundation //