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From YouTube: Compute Over Data - Bridging On Chain Payments & Off Chain Computer (PL EngRes Demo Day March 2023)


Once every month, the Starfleet teams get together to share progress in their projects in the format of a demo

[Compute Over Data] Bridging On Chain Payments and Off Chain Compute: Ethical Art, Generative AI, & Style Transfer - Overview of Bacalhau, FVM, Lilypad bridge, and Waterlily AI art project
Presenter: Wes Floyd

Compute Over Data enables trivial execution of functions against data stored in the IPFS/Filecoin network as easy or easier than existing solutions (Spark, Hadoop, etc)
Compute Over Data WG -
Bacalhau Project - Learn more here

We use these sessions for:
- Sharing progress made. These can be done in the format of a live demo, showcase of anything shipped (e.g. papers, architecture docs, etc) and any other kind of achievement that feels worth sharing with the group.
- Cross pollination opportunities made. Where folks get to learn about what others are doing and ask question on how they did it
- A way to keep project pace. Demo Days can be used as goalpost for delivering all the sprints results on time

To get involved, come find us on Filecoin Slack ( and IPFS Discord (

You can also follow along with PL EngRes WG priorities and progress in realtime on our public Notion page (