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From YouTube: Developer Community Call #4 – Marine


Today we will talk about Marine — a multi-module WASM runtime which runs AquaVM and services on Fluence nodes. The main feature of Marine is a shared-nothing linking scheme: modules can export and import functions from each other but do not have access to others' memory. This was achieved using interface-types. It also provides controlled access to the filesystem and system binaries. The main focus of today's talk is building a marine service using tools and SDKs.

00:00 Intro to the call
01:10 Context of the call
05:55 Describing Marine service (service design)
10:29 Implementing service (curl_adapter module implementation)
13:47 Building the curl_adapter with marine tool
15:12 Config.toml describes how to make a service from modules (service configuration)
17:58 Looking at the built module with the mrepl tool (testing with the mrepl)
19:36 How to access the network from a wasm module? (using mounted binaries to call curl)
27:39 Full marine runtime in mrepl, Q&A
32:57 Writing module for filesystem access (using WASI to access filesystem)
40:09 Writing of facade module which composes storage and curl_adapter. (importing functions from other modules)
47:40 How to use marine_test
57:47 Why marine_test is useful
58:56 How does other project use marine_test
01:01:30 Updates from the tech team
01:03:42 Q&A
01:06:31 Morgan Moskalyk demo
01:17:17 Feedback on Morgan’s demo
01:20:15 Q&A on Morgan's demo, Morgan and Joera discussing using Fluence

Speaker: Valery Antopol

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