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From YouTube: npm workspaces and overrides #DemoDays


Darcy Clarke, Staff Software engineering manager walks us through two significant additions to the npm-cli, workspaces and overrides along with a tour of npm's progress though last year.

0:00 - Start
2:26 - npm helps you manage packages at the pace of Javascript development
3:35 - key features of v7.0.0, progress further into the release line, dropping Node 10, and the latest changes through v8.3.0
7:32 - npm workspaces:
9:51 - workspaces demo from scratch
16:32 - npm pkg
18:20 - scripts
20:45 - filtered installs
25:20 - recap of Workspace Aware Configuration
26:25 - npm overrides:
29:12 - overrides demo
32:53 - 2022 roadmap