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From YouTube: GitHub Discussions, GitHub Dark Mode, PR Auto Merge, #Codespaces, and more #DemoDays


Watch this video of Bryan Cross for a tour of the exciting additions and changes to the GitHub User Experience we introduced at GitHub Universe. Learn how to automate code through PR Auto Merge, how to push code to GitHub with #Codespaces, our new Discussions, GitHub Dark Mode features and so much more.

All to make your experience as a developer just a bit smoother.

2:06 - Intro
3:23 - Demo Start
3:51 - GitHub Discussions
8:48 - Managing Dependencies
14:28 - Pull Request Auto Merge
17:51 - Enable Dark Mode
19:23 - Codespaces
29:11 - Issue labels and automatic workflows

VS Code container examples:

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Highlights from this video:

"For public repos now you can configure GitHub discussions, and the way that you do that is inside of your repo. Click on the settings tab and then scroll down on that initial page until you get to the features section here and just click the box for discussions. It's as easy as that and then when you scroll back up you're going to see that there's now a discussions item on your repo."

"Fundamentally discussions are designed to be different from issues so when we think of issues. They're to talk about an issue right so they're generally designed to be somewhat focused we're talking about a specific thing often in association with the work or the code that we're actually working on, and issues often lead to pull requests right so very much about specific aspects of our workflow. Discussions on the other hand are intended to be much more free form much more open and much more wide ranging. For example this might be a way for you to interact with your user community around broader questions like how do i use your tool, what are the pros and cons of your tool, what are the philosophical implications of what you're writing here."

"Now we're going to go on and check out possibly the most exciting the most complex and I think the most far-reaching and impactful of the features that we released at GitHub Universe and that's something called GitHub Codespaces.

Now before I get into that spoiler alert we're going to talk about a demo that we're working on here that really exercises a lot of the other features that we released at universe and that we released since then so if you weren't aware we now support multiple really as many environments as you like. You can have manual gateways so that somebody has to manually approve when code can be deployed to a given environment, and of course you can also specify secrets that are scoped to a specific environment."

"So VS Code what's that doing in there? These look like settings for visual studio (VS) code that i might have on my desktop for my visual studio code fat client. Right? Setting up tasks debug launch profiles and things like that well that's odd normally we don't store that in the repository..."