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From YouTube: How GitHub uses Infrastructure as Code to deploy


2:08 - Program Start
3:34 - Overview of IaC and important distinctions
12:13 - What makes Infrastructure as Code work?
17:34 - The core components of IaC
20:16 - Demo stack:
22:35 - GitHub Enterprise on a Multicloud
24:37 - Hands-on Demo
27:40 - Hubot & Chatops and connecting them to Slack
30:05 - API Token handling
34:20 - Preparing the Infrastructure as Code and state files
35:43 - Running IaC
40:33 - What did we get?
43:28 - Looking at the State files
47:10 - Closing thoughts

Jürgen Efeish explains Infrastructure as Code by looking at how we at GitHub use IaC to deploy GitHub Enterprise and make it easily available in the marketplace.

For the next session in this series: