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From YouTube: GitHub Advanced Security implemented in 30 minutes #DemoDays


In this session, we’ll take a deep-dive into how GitHub Enterprise can help you build faster, better, and more securely. We’ll show you how to build security into your GitHub workflow, keeping secrets and vulnerabilities out of your codebase from day one. By the end of this session you’ll know how to stay on top of vulnerabilities as they arise and be able to leverage the security community’s expertise (without compromising your code).

0:00 - Start
1:27 - Implement security in 30 minutes
3:11 - Security capabilities in the Supply Chain, in your Code and in the Development Lifecycle (DevSecOps)
4:04 - Secret Scanning in GitHub Enterprise Cloud and eliminating leaked access tokens.
7:13 - Scanning for your company specific custom tokens
11:31 - Code Scanning - Static code analysis with CodeQL
19:56 - Easing tension between Security teams and Development teams
21:39 - Giving developers actionable security alerts, not just more notifications
26:31 - Security overview - The state of security across your entire organization
28:11 - Open source vulnerability scanning and managing the dependency tree
32:45 - Dependency review - finding vulnerabilities before merging changes
34:31 - Q&A
37:06 - Dealing with novel threats and vulnerabilities