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From YouTube: Tracking Huge Files with Git LFS, Tim Pettersen - Git Merge 2016


Developers love Git for its raw speed, powerful history traversal, distributed nature, and the fact that it was built by uber developer Linus Torvalds. What we don't love is the fact that, out of the box, Git has somewhat lacking support for tracking large binary files!

Fortunately, developers from GitHub, Atlassian, and Visual Studio Online have teamed up to work on an open source (MIT licensed) project to solve this problem: Git LFS (Large File Support).

In this session, Tim will cover the computer science behind Git LFS' internals & architecture, CLI usage and how to build an effective Git LFS workflow for a development team.

Tim has been an Atlassian developer for almost a decade spanning the JIRA, Bitbucket Server and Cloud, FishEye, and Crucible teams. He tweets (as @kannonboy), speaks and blogs about developer workflows, Java, JavaScript, Atlassian's developer tools and all manner of Git arcana.

About Git Merge:
Git Merge is the pre-eminent Git-focused conference: a full-day offering technical content, user case studies and training workshops for Git users of all levels.
