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From YouTube: Dependency hell - Or, Developers' perception of software dependencies - GitHub Satellite 2020


Presented by Ivan Pashchenko, Postdoctoral Research Fellow, University of Trento

Security vulnerabilities introduced by software dependencies can lead to severe incidents. Take for example, the Equifax breach, when the private data of more than 143 million people became publicly available due to a security vulnerability in an outdated software dependency. Despite the fact that GitHub Security Alerts and other tools allow software developers to check free open-source dependencies, developers still aren't paying enough attention to their security. In this talk, Ivan will discuss the perceptions of developers coming from 25 companies located in nine countries—and will present the insights on their practices, from the selection of software dependencies and updating of software dependencies to automating the dependency-management process and the mitigation of bugs and vulnerabilities in dependencies where a fixed version doesn't exist. Armed with this new knowledge, participants will discover the implications of the most popular dependency-management strategies, and from there will be able to improve the dependency management of their own software projects.

GitHub Satellite: A community connected by code

On May 6th, we threw a free virtual event featuring developers working together on the world’s software, announcements from the GitHub team, and inspiring performances by artists who code.

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