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From YouTube: Why innersource is a critical component of FOSS sustainability - GitHub Satellite 2020


Presented by Danese Cooper, VP Special Initiatives, NearForm

Innersource is the practice of proprietary companies adopting the modern massive peer-based software development engineering methods proven in thousands of FOSS projects over the past 20 years. Did you know that a booklet about innersource is the single most downloaded non-code asset on public GitHub? Since the rise of GitHub Enterprise, companies are increasingly experimenting with innersource inside their firewalls. Seems like a no-brainer, doesn't it? Most long-established companies need more collaboration and full-stack knowledge (and fewer information silos, resulting resource bottlenecks, "not-invented-here" re-inventions of the wheel, lack of innovation, and all the other un-necessarily wasteful proprietary practices that contribute to poor quality software and low engineering employee morale). Meanwhile, FOSS developers as a rule feel empowered to "scratch their own itches" and therefore suffer from few of these proprietary company woes. But as the FOSS movement has grown, there are cracks in sustainability starting to show in the form of maintainer burnout, lack of sufficient or appropriate corporate support for FOSS, and a real shortage of people willing and able to lead FOSS into the future. So how can innersource help FOSS Sustainability? Learn from someone who is thinking about how to grow the pool of qualified FOSS developers and to improve corporate support for FOSS basically since the term open source was coined. You'll hear about specific actions every developer and every company can take to improve software engineering, whether FOSS or proprietary, and help sustain the precious FOSS ecosystem through the next generation.

GitHub Satellite: A community connected by code

On May 6th, we threw a free virtual event featuring developers working together on the world’s software, announcements from the GitHub team, and inspiring performances by artists who code.

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