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From YouTube: Changing work culture through documentation - GitHub Universe 2019


Presented by Tania Allard, Developer Advocate at Microsoft

Most developers have heard “good code documents itself” or “documentation outdates easily, the code does not” at some point. This is an excuse to not write documentation or justify the absence of it. In my work with many teams, the lack of documentation is often a symptom of high technical debt.

What if we could turn this around and use documentation like a driver for positive culture change and start paying the critical technical debt? This approach not only helps teams to faster identify areas that need critical support but also brings more empathy to the table.

In this talk, Tania draws on experiences using documentation as a weapon for positive culture and process change in machine learning and scientific computing environments. She focuses on the processes and approaches that enable the creation of documentation for data scientists, infrastructure, and software engineering teams, and clients.

By the end of the talk, you'll learn efficient techniques to make documentation a first-class citizen in your development cycles—and leave with one or two tricks to convince even the most reluctant developer to document code.

About GitHub Universe:
GitHub Universe is a two-day conference dedicated to the creativity and curiosity of the largest software community in the world. Sessions cover topics from team culture to open source software across industries and technologies.

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