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From YouTube: Collaborating with Hubot for a more efficient DevOps workflow - GitHub Satellite 2016


In this talk we'll introduce you to Hubot, an open source robot who sits in your company's chat client to help your developers by doing most of the heavy lifting. We'll look at how he can bring GitHub and many core DevOps tools and philosophies to developers' fingertips and why everyone on the team gains from this benefit.

Brent Beer has used Git and GitHub for over 5 years through trainings for GitHub, contributions to open source projects, and professionally as a software developer. Brent now works as a solutions engineer for GitHub in Amsterdam to help bring Git and GitHub to developers across the world.

About Satellite:
GitHub Satellite 2016 was a celebration of the latest and greatest in development. Watch the recordings to learn how engineers, founders, activists, and beyond tackle the latest and most difficult challenges in software.

For more, join us in San Francisco on September 13th-15th for GitHub Universe, three days filled with the creativity and curiosity of the largest software community in the world.

For more information, go to