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From YouTube: The Secret Life of Monoliths - GitHub Satellite 2017


Presented by:
Kir Shatrov
Developer Infrastructure Engineer, Shopify

Today, Shopify is the oldest actively developed Rails monolith. The codebase started in 2005, and it contains over a thousand models and 400 controllers, and remembers the very first Rails versions. Every day hundreds of developers are working on it and pushing new code into the single GitHub repo.

How do you scale, not in the number of requests served per minute, but from the perspective of developer experience? How can you automate code reviews and prevent developers from shooting themselves in the foot? We have built tools to make developers happy working with monolith, and I will be sharing our knowledge in this talk.

At Satellite 2017, attendees came to exchange cutting edge practices on how to bring together the people and tools you need to build great software. Watch the recordings to find out what GitHub's been working on, and hear how other teams use the GitHub ecosystem to customize the way they work.

We'll be getting together again in San Francisco on October 10th-12th for GitHub Universe. We hope you'll join us for three days filled with the creativity and curiosity of the largest software community in the world.

For more information, go to