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From YouTube: How to Avoid Creating a GitHub Junkyard - GitHub Satellite 2017


Presented by:
Lauri Apple
Producer/Agile Project Manager, Zalando

What you share on GitHub tells a story about you, your development practices, and your openness to others in the open source community. If you're motivated to gain users, contributors, and positive feedback about your projects, then building a compelling, coherent narrative is essential.

In this talk, Lauri Apple will share insights gained from "editing" Zalando's GitHub repository so they can tell a better story. From 400+ projects of widely differing quality, reliability and maintenance levels, they've winnowed their offerings to make their highest-quality work more discoverable. She'll share how they used GitHub and other tools to create guidelines, categories, and processes that bring sanity to our storytelling.

At Satellite 2017, attendees came to exchange cutting edge practices on how to bring together the people and tools you need to build great software. Watch the recordings to find out what GitHub's been working on, and hear how other teams use the GitHub ecosystem to customize the way they work.

We'll be getting together again in San Francisco on October 10th-12th for GitHub Universe. We hope you'll join us for three days filled with the creativity and curiosity of the largest software community in the world.

For more information, go to