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From YouTube: Modernizing Software Architecture - GitHub Satellite 2017


Hosted by:
Kai Hilton-Jones, Solution Engineer, GitHub

Cyril Lakech, AXA France
Thomas Jansen, SAP
Lothar Schulz, Zalando
Alex Lindley, HSBC

Hear from technologists from SAP, Axa, HSBC and Zalando about how their software development and delivery architectures are designed with considerations for the user, the IT infrastructure and the business goals. Find out how their solutions meet all of their technical and operational requirements, while optimising common quality attributes such as performance, security, and manageability.

At Satellite 2017, attendees came to exchange cutting edge practices on how to bring together the people and tools you need to build great software. Watch the recordings to find out what GitHub's been working on, and hear how other teams use the GitHub ecosystem to customize the way they work.

We'll be getting together again in San Francisco on October 10th-12th for GitHub Universe. We hope you'll join us for three days filled with the creativity and curiosity of the largest software community in the world.

For more information, go to