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From YouTube: The GitHub Flow - GitHub Universe 2016


Join Matt Desmond and Eric Hollenberry, trainers at GitHub, for a discussion on pull requests and the GitHub Flow.

If pull requests are used effectively with proper code review and your existing workflow, they can not only help ensure high quality of written code, but do so without sacrificing the speed of development. We'll start out by looking at what makes a great pull request, and what barriers people have with sending and receiving them. Next, we'll remove some of those barriers by discussing some code review best practices to ensure the code we're writing is well written and well tested. Lastly, we'll see how and why these pieces are a crucial part of a proper workflow, and what advantages the GitHub Flow has.

About GitHub Universe:
GitHub Universe is a two-day conference dedicated to the creativity and curiosity of the largest software community in the world. Sessions cover topics from team culture to open source software across industries and technologies.

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