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From YouTube: Using GitHub's GraphQL API to manage open source projects - GitHub Universe 2017


Presented by Brian Douglas, Netlify.

GraphQL is a legitimate way to build and consume APIs with less front end frustration. It has only been out of developer preview but truly shaking up the way front-end and mobile applications are being developed. Getting into open source projects can be a daunting process, and there are a lot of existing tools out there to assist in getting your first open source pull request including Code Triage, IssueHub, and of course Open Sauced is one more tool to help by providing a platform to organize notes on potential projects the user has not yet contributed to by leveraging the now public GitHub GraphQL API. This talk will compare the GraphQL benefits over REST and walk through the implementation of live code implementing the open source GraphQL features using the Apollo project.

About GitHub Universe:
GitHub Universe is a two-day conference dedicated to the creativity and curiosity of the largest software community in the world. Sessions cover topics from team culture to open source software across industries and technologies.

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