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From YouTube: The emotionally fit leader - GitHub Universe 2017


The tech industry is realizing more and more that in order for a company to grow, employees must grow as individuals. Humans are emotional beings, and we bring our humanity with us to work every single day. This translates into the product that is being made, which is felt by those using the product. In Silicon Valley, where so much of the culture and community is rooted in the tech scene, having emotionally fit and healthy leaders and employees will have a hugely important ripple effect on society. Intended Audience: This talk is for anyone working in tech who wants to better understand the intersection of their emotional and occupational selves. It is for anyone who has worked with someone who seemed to be leaking their personal issues into the job. It is especially useful for anyone in a leadership position at work.

About GitHub Universe:
GitHub Universe is a two-day conference dedicated to the creativity and curiosity of the largest software community in the world. Sessions cover topics from team culture to open source software across industries and technologies.

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