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From YouTube: March 20 AMA with CEO Sid Sijbrandij


Q: Are you concerned about any potential legal actions from another company?
A: We did an internal investigation. If there is legal action we'll do it external too.

Q: How happy are you with how we have scaled as a company, culture-wise and communication-wise? Has it gone as you expected?
A: Much better than expected. Values are great. Big problem is re-enforcement of practices:
No short meetings, we need to be more efficient. YouTube visibility

Q: Do you think there’s an upper-limit to the handbook-first approach? More people contributing means more changes, will there be a point where employees can no longer keep up? Or maybe a point in which it’s too much content to digest for onboarding?
A: Consume on-demand, what and when you need. Handbook is a guide, except for the code of conduct portion. It should be checked first to see where the company has landed before on a discussed subject but if there is a better way, it should not be used as law.

Q: What inspired the CEO shadow initiative?
A: Goal is to give leaders within GitLab a whole perspective of the company. We want leaders who understand of how the company works and can make global improvements.
Erica Lindberg is on Day 2. She is making handbook edits left and right.

Q:What can we do to ensure we’re not slowing down?
A: Engineering? 10 MRs per person per month.

Q: What feature of GitLab still needs to be added according to your opinion?
A: Defend. Secure team is adding this.

Q: If you had to make a choice between the USA or the Netherlands, which country would you choose?
A: Don’t plan to move from San Francisco, which has a high concentration of talented and ambitious people. Love organization building, the speed and scale with which it happens is amazing. Talked to someone who is making a slingshot to shoot something into space.

Q: What's the best part of your day?
A: Group conversations. Enjoy hearing how each group is improving their department.

Q: I heard that we will be only keeping 90 days of data in Slack, is the reason to re-enforce practices of using GitLab and creating issues?
A:Our informal conversations happen in Slack to a large extent. Imagine how weird it would be if someone put a microphone on you and recorded your whole day. Don’t think it’s appropriate.
- It would be great to have more things in issues and merge requests.
- Slack is like a day-long meeting. DMs are bad.
- Additionally, Sid, what is your perspective of the feedback given on the Slack retention issue so far?

Q: Can we import the Questions channel data into a knowledge base?
A: #questions channel should result in an edit to the handbook. No sense in going back; go forward. Treat Slack

Q: Do you see remote only organizations rapidly becoming more accepted and commonplace?
A: All remote is going to be the future. We’re not the biggest remote company so far, but we’re leading the way. Everyone should be an ambassador for all-remote work.

Q: How do you see the company changing fundamentally, if necessarily at all, as it more than doubles in headcount over 2019?
A: We’re planning for 1000+ people. As we get bigger, there will be more layers of management. Automating onboarding will be important instead of 50 checkboxes.

Q: As a company, we value velocity over predictability. How are you, personally, balancing these two items?
A: By making the minimum thing. Many times when I have an idea, I’ll just put it out as a suggestion for a relevant report. Most of the time that person makes a minimal change, or say, “I won’t do that.” I meet a lot of people, and I want to share this information with the rest of the company. For example, yesterday I copied and pasted an e-mail I received in the #ceo channel.

Q: What are you most excited about for contribute coming up?
A: We have better systems in place; it’s going to feel more like a produced event. I hope we can keep the intimacy of the excursions.

Q: Any thoughts on yesterday’s announcement about Atlassian acquiring AgileCraft?
A: Shows a big need for value-stream analytics, high-level roadmaps. We’re right in adding that in our Plan stage. Confirms there is a lot of demand for that. Atlassian is a company with many products that you have to integrate together; contrast that with the benefit of a single application without handoffs.

Q:Since we are doubling in headcount every year, I’d like to hear your thoughts about making more with less.
A: I do want every person to have a big impact. Example stats: 10 MRs a developer. Our security requirements are going to increase. We’re going to be a public company and have FIPS certification. We want to make people more effective, fewer roadblocks.