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From YouTube: Gitlab 14 Community Meetup: favorite features review


To celebrate the release of GitLab 14, members of the Developer Evangelism team and wider GitLab community share some of their favorite features that have been released since our last major milestone.

Learn about some of the most beloved features in GitLab from some of our most passionate and active users. 5 minute video:

The speakers and topic include:

00:54 John Coghlan - Intro to GitLab 14
05:30 Michael Friedrich - CI/CD Pipeline Editing on Steroids with the new editor
17:44 Alejandro Medina - SSH key expiration enforced by default AND Pronouns box for GitLab profiles
24:09 Michael Aigner - GitLab VS Code extension including the new code review feature from 14
37:58 Brendan O'Leary - SAST and the new Semgraph integration for SAST
57:00 Q&A

Slides & insights:

- CI/CD Pipeline Editing on Steroids with the new editor:
- SSH key expiration enforced by default AND Pronouns box for GitLab profiles:
- GitLab VS Code extension including the new code review feature from 14:
- SAST and the new Semgraph integration for SAST

Feature requests discussed in the meetup:

- VS Code Extension: Pipelines progress and logs views