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From YouTube: 51. #EveryoneCanContribute cafe: First look: Chainguard Enforce with Carlos Panato


Chainguard Enforce:
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00:00 Introductions
3:04 Introduction to Software Supply Chain Security
5:00 Introduction to Chainguard Enforce
9:55 Demo: GitLab repo with a webserver which gets deployed as container image in the pipeline
12:00 cosign verify - unsiged image
13:20 chainctl SaaS login to load default image policy
15:10 Chainguard Enforce custom policy for GitLab deployment
17:00 Chainguard agent install, light-weight to observe & enforce
23:00 Update GitLab CI/CD config to build & sign the image
28:20 Deploy and verify the signed image
31:30 Observing - now enforcing the policies, verify the signatures and identities
36:00 Other types of policies for Enforce
36:50 Why Chainguard Enforce
37:30 Questions, answers, discussions
56:33 KubeCon EU outlook - join Carlos with the SIG Release Update on "Releasing Kubernetes Less Often and More Secure"-