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From YouTube: Kubernetes Environments Visualisation and How We Do It at GitLab by Anna Vovchenko and Viktor Nagy


How do you visualize your environments when some loads are deployed with push-based approaches from your CI/CD pipeline while others are managed by GitOps? How can you manage access when your teams live primarily in your Git tool, not in the Kubernetes cluster? At GitLab, we tried tackling this problem with different strategies, leveraging the Kubernetes API, user impersonation, and more RBAC strategies. Join this talk to learn more about the iterations we made on the way: From talking to hundreds of users to leveraging the GitLab platform to come up with a solution for environment visualization. This talk will walk you through environment management in GitLab and visualizing cluster resources for users. We will dive into the frontend framework in detail, and show you how to use it for your use cases.