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From YouTube: The Imperative to Stop Being Lazy and Do Better - Brendan O'Leary, GitLab


The Imperative to Stop Being Lazy and Do Better - Brendan O'Leary, GitLab
Speakers: Brendan O'Leary
There are a lot of challenging, unsolved problems in software. Building accessible, inclusive, smart software is a solved better. My last name is valid. Despite what countless apps and websites have tried to tell me, it is reasonable to have an apostrophe in a name. I get it; SQL is hard. But it doesn't "solve" the problem to have validation, saying, "Please enter a valid last name." Talk about *invalidating* someone's experience in life. And that's not even that big of a deal. But this kind of carelessness is all too common in tech. Many other people's identities are marginalized even more severely when developers are careless. In this talk, we'll examine examples of each of these types of inclusion. We'll show how these issues have already been solved; it just requires the determination and compassion to choose to make our products more accessible and more inclusive.

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