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From YouTube: Govern: Security Policies How we are planning work for next milestone?


This video is a quick walkthrough through the planning process for the Security Policies team.

It follows a few simple instructions available here:

0. All links to boards are available here:
1. Check the current milestone board to see if anything needs to be refined or started but has not yet started. If so, move them to the next milestone.
2. Check the priorities list, check Epics scheduled for the following two milestones, move all related work to the next milestone, and mark these issues as Deliverables. Also, verify if issues in these Epics are enough to complete the work described in the Epic.
3. Look at bugs for the team and see if there is anything with high priority that needs to be solved within the next milestone.
4. Now, look at the Planning board for the next milestone. Check for the team's capacity and calculate it for the next milestone; based on that, you can specify what you would like to achieve. And decide what we need to do and what can be postponed (Deliverable/Stretch)
5. Look at how many issues and weights you have in the current milestone. Decide if we should postpone something (note that we will be able to discuss this with the Product team),
6. Prioritize them in the Planning Board (Deliverables at the top, Stretch at the bottom).