youtube image
From YouTube: Current state of the First Class Security Dashboards


# FCV dashboards
## Project security dashboard
This is the most complete dashboard and a lot of what we built here can be re-used on the others.

### Already have
- List
- Filters
- Counts
- Unconfigured state

### Might have
- File path on the vulnerability list
- Filtering for the counts (there’s no backend for this yet)
## Group Security Dashboard
This one isn’t too far behind the project dashboard, but does have a few missing features that exist on the current group security dashboard. Most of these are known and were never planned to be part of the MVC

### Already have
- List

### Will have
- Filters
- Unconfigured State

### Might have
- A project filter
- Project path on the vulnerability list

### Won’t have
- Vulnerabilities over time
- Project security status
## Instance security dashboard
This is the furthest behind. We don’t currently have all the GraphQL endpoints we need for this, but can still develop the frontend in parallel so we’re ready for them when they do ship.

### Already have

### Will have
- List
- Filters (excluding the project filter)
- Unconfigured state

### Might have
- A project filter
- Project path on the vulnerability list

### Won’t have
- Vulnerabilities over time
- Project security status
## General / Vulnerability list
Just a few things that pertain to all the dashboards as they’re features on the vulnerability list.

### Don’t need?
- Pipeline status on the project dashboard

### Won’t have
- Inline linked issues on the vulnerability list (we ran out of time)
- Inline Dismissal comments on the vulnerability list

### Can’t have
- Multiple select dismissals (because we can’t dismiss from the lists any more)