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From YouTube: Should remote team members have public READMEs to foster greater empathy and collaboration?


GitLab's Head of Remote, Darren M., talks with Sike Insights on a key topic related to remote teams: should remote team members have public READMEs to foster greater empathy and collaboration?

They discuss remote team communication, empathy, and transparency, and explain the merits of a public README.

Sike Insights has built a tool (Kona) that seeks to enable remote teams to work better together by fostering learning amongst team members.

➔ GitLab's Guide to Remote Work:

➔ Sike Insights:

➔ Darren's README on GitLab:


When people are working together for the first time, there's a certain amount of mental and emotional energy exerted in getting to know someone. You're simultaneously doing the work, while trying to confirm or challenge preconceived notions about how a person prefers to be communicated with.

On an individual level, this requires a person to project the ideal version of themselves into each meeting, as it is assumed that this projection is the only meaningful way for another person to understand who they are and how they prefer to communicate and work.

READMEs provide a genuine report on how a person works, reducing bias/assumption and enabling people to work together based on a common framework.


This conversation led to several iterations and additions to the GitLab handbook.

➔ GitLab's README template:
➔ Creating and publishing your GitLab README:


Other topics discussed on this call are below.

➔ Informal communication in remote teams:
➔ Communicating effectively and responsibly through text:
➔ All-remote meetings: